Saint Louis Restorative Dentist Uses Dental Implants To Rebuild Smiles

Written by Dr. Grayem on Mar 9, 2021

Tooth loss is not only aesthetically undesirable it is also problematic for the health and function of your smile. If you are suffering from tooth loss, it is in your best interest to find an effective replacement tooth treatment as soon as possible.

One tooth replacement option that our team offers in our Saint Louis dental office is the dental implant. Keep reading to learn more about why so many people turn to dental implants when it comes time to rebuild their smiles.

The dental implant is a stand-alone replacement tooth that permanently replaces a missing tooth. Every dental implant has a titanium foundation that looks like a screw or a post. This foundation is basically a replacement tooth root. Our dentist inserts the titanium root into the patient’s jawbone where the natural tooth used to sit.

Then, this root is capped with a natural-looking restoration or dental crown. When treatment is complete you have a permanently embedded dental prosthetic that has been customized to suit your appearance and needs.

Dental implants are…

  • Natural looking and feeling
  • Simple to care for—you’ll be able to brush and floss normally
  • Beneficial for your oral health—over time the titanium root of the implant bonds to the surrounding bone tissue, which helps to support your natural dental structure and jawbone health
  • Easy to live with—you can keep eating your favorite foods, drinking your favorite drinks, and participating in your favorite activities

One major benefit of the dental implant is that it is completely customizable to suit the individual needs of the patient. We will tailor the size, shape, and color of your implant to look natural and attractive as part of your smile.

If you want to learn more about this exciting restorative dental treatment, our Saint Louis dentists are here to answer all of your questions. You can also schedule a consultation with our team: call our office or use the Contact Us page on our website in order to get started!