Saint Louis Dentist Responds To Your Questions About Semi Annual Professional Cleanings
The American Dental Association stresses the importance of semi-annual professional dental cleanings. Following your dentist-recommended cleaning s...
Providing our patients and the St. Louis community with educational information to achieve their best smile.
The American Dental Association stresses the importance of semi-annual professional dental cleanings. Following your dentist-recommended cleaning s...
Your dental enamel is the strongest layer of your tooth—it is hard and pretty non-porous, so that you can chew comfortably. Dental enamel pro...
If you are one of the many adult dental patients suffering from tooth loss, our Saint Louis restorative dentists are here to help you regain a whol...
Dental implant treatment can seem a little daunting and difficult to understand when patients first hear about it. Our Saint Louis restorative dent...
$79 exam! Includes complete x-rays and routine cleaning (a $400 value).
Or $1 custom teeth whitening with new patient exam, complete x-rays, and cleaning at full fee (a $400 value)
How it works, how much it costs, and much more...