Saint Louis Restorative Dentist Explains How Dental Implant Technology Improves Treatment Outcomes

Written by Dr. Grayem on Jun 4, 2024

Dental implant technology has transformed what is possible in the world of restorative dentistry. Our Saint Louis dentists can help you rebuild a strong and attractive smile after damage or tooth loss. Today we are going to be discussing how dental implant technology is employed in dentistry.

One way that you can benefit from dental implant treatment is by using individual implants to replace missing teeth. Every one of these replacement teeth has a titanium post that sits where the natural tooth root used to be—this titanium screw serves as the new tooth root. This post is then capped with an abutment (a connector piece), and then a personalized restoration.

Dental patients with compromised bone density, or who are trying to fit a replacement tooth into limited space along their jawlines may benefit from mini dental implants. The mini implant root is significantly thinner than a traditional implant root, so it is less invasive for the jaw tissue when it is placed. Mini dental implants require very little post-treatment recovery time.

Our team also uses dental implant roots to anchor larger dental prostheses—like dentures. This treatment is sometimes referred to as “all-on-4,” because an entire prosthesis, or all of your replacement teeth, can be held in place with just 4dental implant roots. Implant-stabilized prostheses stay in place permanently—you will not be able to take them in and out of your mouth. Dental patients love this treatment option because it makes dentures more comfortable, stable, and natural looking and feeling. When you come in for a consultation, our team can give you a better idea of how many implant roots it will take to anchor a dental prosthesis in your smile.

If you are struggling with tooth loss, our Saint Louis mini dental implant dentists are here to help you restore your smile aesthetically and functionally. We look forward to speaking with you!