Saint Louis Dentist Reviews Some Of The Key Benefits Of All-On-Four Treatment

Written by Dr. Grayem on Aug 20, 2024

Tooth replacement technology and treatments have come a long way since the days when the traditional denture was the only option. In our Saint Louis restorative dentist office, we provide our patients with state-of-the-art restorative treatments, including tooth replacement options. Today we’re going to be talking about one of these treatments, specifically: All-on-Four.

Let’s start by quickly reviewing the basics of All-on-Four; this treatment refers to larger dental prostheses, like dentures, that are held in place with titanium dental implant roots. This treatment is called “all-on-four” because a full denture or, all of your replacement teeth, can be supported with just a few (often four) implant roots.

There are a number of benefits for patients who choose All-on-Four for tooth replacement treatment.

Customized Results

Our dental team customizes our patients’ respective dental prostheses so that they look and function naturally. The shape and size of your replacement teeth will be personalized to mimic your natural dental shapes, and the prosthesis will be shaded to blend with your existing smile. All-on-Four treatment can truly give you the confidence to smile again.

Strength & Stability

Because dental implants extend into your jawbone, they hold your dental prosthesis firmly in place permanently. This provides an exceptional amount of stability as the patient smiles, laughs, speaks, and eats. You never have to worry about your replacement teeth shifting around or falling out of your mouth.

Health Benefits

Replacing missing teeth using All-on-Four can help the health of your smile in a number of ways. First of all, because the All-on-Four dental prosthesis is customized for your smile, it can help you maintain a healthy bite alignment and minimize uneven dental wear and tear on your natural teeth. Additionally, the titanium roots that are used to hold your replacement teeth in place actually bond with your real jawbone (through a process called osseointegration); as such, they help to prevent the jawbone tissue deterioration that frequently accompanies tooth loss.

Our Saint Louis All-on-Four dentist is here to give you all of the information that you need about your tooth replacement options, and to support you as you restore your smile. Feel free to give us a call to learn more and to schedule a consultation!